open List;; open StringLabels;; type token = Tokenizer.token;; type ast_tree = | ASTFail | Item of token | Ls of (ast_tree list);; let ast_example = Ls ([Item(Tokenizer.Token ("12", "INT"));Item(Tokenizer.Token ("+", "OP")); Item(Tokenizer.Token ("2", "INT")); ]);; let not_empty_token token = match token with | Tokenizer.Token( _ , token_type) -> match token_type with | "SPACE" -> false | "NL" -> false | _ -> true;; type parseoutput = | Fail | Success of ast_tree * token list;; let consume1token ls = match ls with | [] -> Fail | token :: token_rest -> Success ( Item(token), token_rest);; let match_token_type token_type = fun token_ls -> let initial_result = consume1token token_ls in match initial_result with | Success (Item(Token(_ , type_name)) , rest) -> if equal type_name token_type then initial_result else Fail | Fail -> Fail | _ -> Fail;; let match_token_name_type token_name token_type = fun token_ls -> let initial_result = consume1token token_ls in match initial_result with | Success (Item(Token( nm , tp)) , rest) -> if ((equal token_name nm) && (equal token_type tp)) then initial_result else Fail | Fail -> Fail | _ -> Fail;; let parseoutput_list2string str token = str ^ (Tokenizer.token_to_string token);; let rec ast2string ast_tree = match ast_tree with | ASTFail -> "ASTFail" | Item(token) -> Tokenizer.token_to_string token | Ls(ast) -> "Ls(" ^ (List.fold_left (fun str ast -> str ^ " " ^ (ast2string ast)) "" ast) ^ ")";; let rec parseoutput2string input = match input with | Fail -> "Fail" | Success(matched_ast, tkn_remained_ls) -> ast2string matched_ast ^ ":::" ^ List.fold_left parseoutput_list2string "" tkn_remained_ls let print_parseoutput input = print_string (parseoutput2string input);; let (>>=) parseoutput parser_unit = match parseoutput with | Fail -> Fail | Success(matched1 , remained1) -> let result = parser_unit remained1 in match result with | Fail -> Fail | Success (Ls([]) , remained2) -> parseoutput | Success (matched2 , remained2) -> match matched1 with | Ls(matched_list1) -> Success (Ls(append matched_list1 [matched2]), remained2) | Item(matched_item1) -> Success (Ls(append [matched1] [matched2]), remained2) | ASTFail -> Fail;; let (||) parser_unit1 parser_unit2 = fun parseoutput -> let middle1 = parser_unit1 parseoutput in match middle1 with | Success (_ , _) -> middle1 | Fail -> let middle2 = parser_unit2 parseoutput in match middle2 with | Fail -> Fail | Success (_ , _) -> middle2;; let rec ( >>=* ) input parser = if input == Fail then Fail else let middle0 = input >>= parser in match middle0 with | Success(Ls(_), remained_tokens) -> middle0 >>=* parser | _ -> input let rec correct_list ls = match ls with | Ls([lhs; Ls(op::rhs)]) -> Ls(op::lhs::[(correct_list(Ls(rhs)))]) | Ls([Item(Token(id, typ))]) -> Item(Token(id, typ)) | Ls([Ls(lst)]) -> (correct_list (Ls(lst))) | _ -> ls (*item2 = (expr) | int | flo | id *) let rec item2 token_list = let wrapper = Success(Ls([]), token_list) in let result1 = wrapper >>= ((fun i -> Success(Ls([]), i) >>= (match_token_name_type "(" "PAREN") >>= expr >>=(match_token_name_type ")" "PAREN")) || (match_token_type "FLO") || (match_token_type "INT") || (match_token_type "ID")) in match result1 with | Success(Ls([Ls([Item(Token("(", "PAREN")); x; Item(Token(")", "PAREN"))])]), remained) -> Success((correct_list x), remained) | Success(ls, remained) -> Success((correct_list ls), remained) | _ -> result1 (*args = typ1 arg1, typ2 arg2... *) and args token_list = let wrapper = Success(Ls([]), token_list) in let result1 = wrapper >>= (match_token_name_type "(" "PAREN") >>=* (fun i -> Success(Ls([]), i) >>= (match_token_type "ID") >>= (match_token_type "ID") >>=*(fun i -> Success(Ls([]), i) >>= (match_token_type "COMMA") >>= (match_token_type "ID") >>= (match_token_type "ID"))) >>= (match_token_name_type ")" "PAREN") in match result1 with | Success(Ls(left_paren::Ls(typ1::var1::other)::righ_paren), remained) -> (*let _ = print_string "RESULT" in let _ = print_string (ast2string (Ls(other))) in let _ = print_string "\nEND_OF_RESULT\n" in *) let remove_comma = fun ls -> match ls with Ls([l;typ;var]) -> Ls([typ;var]) | _ -> ls in let other_removed_comma = remove_comma other in Success(Ls(Item(Token("%args", "ID"))::Ls([typ1;var1])::other_removed_comma), remained) | Success(Ls(left_paren::righ_paren), remained) -> Success(Ls([Item(Token("%args", "ID"))]), remained) | _ -> result1 (*item = item2 | lambda "(" args ")" {stmts} *) and item token_list = let wrapper = Success(Ls([]), token_list) in let result1 = wrapper >>= ((fun i -> Success(Ls([]), i) >>= (match_token_name_type "lambda" "ID") >>= args >>= (match_token_name_type "{" "BRACE") >>= stmts >>= (match_token_name_type "}" "BRACE")) || fun i -> Success(Ls([]), i) >>= item2) in match result1 with | Success(Ls([Ls(Item(Token("lambda", "ID"))::args::l_brace::[Item(Token("}", "BRACE"))])]) , remained) -> Success(Ls([Item(Token("lambda", "ID"));args;Ls([])]), remained) | Success(Ls([Ls(Item(Token("lambda", "ID"))::args::l_brace::body::r_brace)]) , remained) -> Success(Ls([Item(Token("lambda", "ID"));args;body]), remained) | Success(Ls([Ls([Item(Token(x,y))])]), remained) -> Success(Item(Token(x,y)), remained) | _ -> result1 and factor_more_callees token_list = let wrapper = Success(Ls([]), token_list) in let result1 = wrapper >>= (match_token_name_type "(" "PAREN") >>= item >>=* (fun i -> Success(Ls([]), i) >>= (match_token_type "COMMA") >>= item) >>=(match_token_name_type ")" "PAREN") in match result1 with | Success(Ls(Item(Token("(", "PAREN"))::first_callee::rest_lst), y) -> let lst_without_r_paren = filter (fun x -> match x with | Item(_) -> false | _ -> true) rest_lst in let remove_comma = fun ls -> match ls with Ls([Item(Token(",", "COMMA")); x]) -> x | _ -> ls in let lst_removed_comma = remove_comma lst_without_r_paren in Success(Ls(Item(Token("%callee", "ID"))::first_callee::lst_removed_comma), y) | _ -> result1 (*factor = item | item "(" morecollee ")" *) and factor token_list = let wrapper = Success(Ls([]), token_list) in let result1 = wrapper >>= ((fun i -> Success(Ls([]), i) >>= item >>= (match_token_name_type "(" "PAREN") >>= (match_token_name_type ")" "PAREN")) || (fun i -> Success(Ls([]), i) >>= item >>= factor_more_callees) || item) in match result1 with | Success(ASTFail, _) -> result1 | Fail -> Fail | Success(Item _, _) -> result1 | Success(Ls(other), remained) -> let result2 = Success((correct_list (Ls(other))), remained) in match result2 with | Success(Ls[caller; Item(Token("(", "PAREN")); Item(Token(")", "PAREN"))], remained) -> Success(Ls[Item(Token("%apply", "ID")); caller], remained) | Success(Ls[caller; Item(Token("(", "PAREN")); callee ; Item(Token(")", "PAREN"))], remained) -> Success(Ls[Item(Token("%apply", "ID")); caller; callee], remained) | Success(Ls(Item(Token("%callee", "ID"))::op::rest), remained) -> let l1 = Item(Token("%apply", "ID"))::op::rest in let l2 = List.filter (fun x -> match x with Ls([]) -> false | _ -> true) l1 in Success(Ls(l2), remained) | _ -> result2 (* (* ( */ factor) *) let rec factor_rest token_list = let wrapper = Success(Ls([]), token_list) in let result1 = wrapper >>= ((match_token_name_type "*" "OP") || (match_token_name_type "/" "OP")) >>= (match_token_type "INT") >>= term_rest in match result1 with | Success(Ls(_), remained_tokens) -> result1 | _ -> wrapper *) (* ( */ factor) *) and term_rest token_list = let wrapper = Success(Ls([]), token_list) in let result1 = wrapper >>= ((match_token_name_type "*" "OP") || (match_token_name_type "/" "OP")) >>= factor >>= term_rest in match result1 with | Success(Ls(_), remained_tokens) -> result1 | _ -> wrapper (*term = factor ( */ factor)* *) and term token_list = let wrapper = Success(Ls([]), token_list) in let result1 = wrapper >>= factor >>= term_rest in match result1 with | Success(Ls(x), remained) -> Success((correct_list (Ls(x))), remained) | _ -> result1 (* (+- term) *) and expr_rest token_list = let wrapper = Success(Ls([]), token_list) in let result1 = wrapper >>= ((match_token_name_type "+" "OP") || (match_token_name_type "-" "OP")) >>= term >>= expr_rest in match result1 with | Success(Ls([Item(x) ; Ls(lists)]), remained_tokens) -> Success(Ls((Item(x)::lists)), remained_tokens) | Success(Ls(_), remained_tokens) -> result1 | _ -> wrapper (*expr = term (+- term)* *) and expr token_list = let wrapper = Success(Ls([]), token_list) in let result1 = wrapper >>= term >>= expr_rest in match result1 with | Success(Ls(x), remained) -> Success((correct_list (Ls(x))), remained) | _ -> result1 (* type = id | ( type -> type ) *) and type_ token_list = let wrapper = Success(Ls([]), token_list) in let result1 = wrapper >>= ((fun i -> Success(Ls([]), i) >>= (match_token_name_type "(" "PAREN") >>= type_ >>= (match_token_name_type "->" "IMPLY") >>= type_ >>= (match_token_name_type ")" "PAREN")) || (match_token_type "ID")) in match result1 with (*| Success(Ls([Item(x) ; Ls(lists)]), remained_tokens) -> Success(Ls((Item(x)::lists)), remained_tokens)*) | Success(Ls([Item(x)]), remained_tokens) -> Success(Item(x), remained_tokens) | Success(Ls([Ls(l_paren::lhs::imply::rhs::r_paren)]), remained_tokens) -> Success(Ls(imply::lhs::[rhs]), remained_tokens) | _ -> result1 (* var_def = type id expr ;*) and var_def token_list = let wrapper = Success(Ls([]), token_list) in let result1 = wrapper >>= type_ >>= (match_token_type "ID") >>= (match_token_type "ASSIGN") >>= expr in match result1 with | Success(Ls(typ::var::assign::expr), remained_tokens) -> Success(Ls(Item(Token("%def", "ID"))::typ::var::expr), remained_tokens) | _ -> wrapper (* one_statement = var_def | expr ;*) and one_statement token_list = let token_list2 = List.filter (fun x -> match x with Tokenizer.Token(_, "SPACE") -> false | Tokenizer.Token(_, "NL") -> false | _ -> true) token_list in let wrapper = Success(Ls([]), token_list2) in let result1 = wrapper >>= ((fun i -> Success(Ls([]), i) >>= expr >>= (match_token_name_type ";" "SEMICO") )||(fun i -> Success(Ls([]), i) >>= var_def >>= (match_token_name_type ";" "SEMICO"))) in match result1 with | Success(Ls(lst), remained_tokens) -> let lst2 = (correct_list (Ls(lst))) in let lst2_inner = match lst2 with | Ls(lst2_inner) -> lst2_inner | _ -> [lst2] in let lst_remove_semicolon = List.filter (fun x -> match x with Item(Token(_, "SEMICO")) -> false | _ -> true) lst2_inner in Success((correct_list (Ls(lst_remove_semicolon))), remained_tokens) | _ -> result1 (* stmts = one_statement* *) and stmts token_list = let wrapper = Success(Ls([]), token_list) in let result1 = wrapper >>=* one_statement in match result1 with | Success(Ls(_), remained_tokens) -> result1 | _ -> result1 ;; (*examples let ex_token_list = Tokenizer.total_parser "lambda(int y){12;};";; List.iter Tokenizer.print_token ex_token_list;; print_string "字串輸出結果"; print_parseoutput (one_statement ex_token_list);; print_string "\n\n";; let ex_token_list = Tokenizer.total_parser "(2);";; (* List.iter Tokenizer.print_token ex_token_list;; *) print_parseoutput (one_statement ex_token_list);; print_string "\n\n";; let ex_token_list = Tokenizer.total_parser "7/(5+6)*7;";; print_parseoutput (stmts ex_token_list);; print_string "\n\n";; let ex_token_list = Tokenizer.total_parser "(7/(10-6)*a);";; print_parseoutput (stmts ex_token_list);; print_string "\n\n";; let ex_token_list = Tokenizer.total_parser "a(b);";; print_parseoutput (stmts ex_token_list);; print_string "\n\n";; let ex_token_list = Tokenizer.total_parser "a();";; print_parseoutput (stmts ex_token_list);; print_string "\n\n";; let ex_token_list = Tokenizer.total_parser "a(b,c,a);";; print_parseoutput (stmts ex_token_list);; print_string "\n\n";;*) (*let ex_token_list = Tokenizer.total_parser "(int -> int) a = 2+ 3;a + b;";; print_parseoutput (stmts ex_token_list);;*) (*print_string "\n\n";; let ex_token_list = Tokenizer.total_parser "(int-> int) foo = lambda(int c){12;};foo(13);";; print_string "ABACABRA";; print_parseoutput (stmts ex_token_list);; print_string "\n\n";; let ex_token_list = Tokenizer.total_parser "lambda(a){12;};";; print_parseoutput (stmts ex_token_list);; print_string "\n\n";; let ex_token_list = Tokenizer.total_parser "lambda(){};";; print_parseoutput (stmts ex_token_list);; print_string "\n\n";; let ex_token_list = Tokenizer.total_parser "lambda(x){x;}(12);";; print_parseoutput (stmts ex_token_list);; *)