/* clo, a typesetting engine, generated JS file*/ /* CLO: beginning of head*/ import * as clo from "clo"; cl = clo.initClo(); /* CLO: end of head*/ /* ba choir ipsum lorem*/; import * as dublin from 'dublin'; /* CLO: beginning of middle part*/ cl.mainText = /* CLO: end of middle part*/ ([` `, `我是一隻古怪的虎斑貓。擅長喵喵叫。`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `quick`, ` `, `brown`, ` `, `fox`, ` `, `jumps`, ` `, `over`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `lazy`, ` `, `dog.`, ` `, `臺中市`, `\\`, `@`, ` `, `兩個反斜線打出`, `\\`, `;斜線加小老鼠打出`, `@`, `。`, ` `, `"公\\\\園"`, ` `]).concat(repr()).concat([` `, `山頂`, ` `]); /* CLO: beginning of end part*/ cl.generatePdf(); /*CLO : end of end part*/