
229 lines
6.7 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.tokenize = exports.zeroOrOnceDo = exports.notDo = exports.zeroOrMoreDo = exports.orDo = exports.thenDo = exports.charToCodepoint = exports.matchRange = exports.matchAny = exports.match1Char = void 0;
var fs = require('fs');
* wrap a x in a `Some(T)`
* @param x : variable to be wrapped.
* @returns wrapped `x`.
function toSome(x) {
return { _tag: "Some", value: x };
* @description
* it returns a function which test if the first char of the `remained` part of
* the argument of the function is `c`, if it's true, update the `MatchedPair` wrapped
* in `Some`. Otherwise, it returns `None`.
* * @param c : the char to be test.
* @returns the updated `MatchedPair` wrapped in `Some(x)` or `None`.
function match1Char(c) {
return (m) => {
if (m.remained.length == 0) {
return { _tag: "None" };
const charToBeMatched = m.remained[0];
if (charToBeMatched === c) {
return { _tag: "Some", value: {
matched: m.matched + charToBeMatched,
remained: m.remained.substring(1)
} };
else {
return { _tag: "None" };
exports.match1Char = match1Char;
* @param m : the `MatcheePair` to be consumed.
* @returns if the length of `m.remained` >= 1; consumes the matchee by 1 char and wraps it in `Some`,
* otherwise, returns `None`.
function matchAny(m) {
if (m.remained.length >= 1) {
return { _tag: "Some", value: {
matched: m.matched + m.remained[0],
remained: m.remained.substring(1)
} };
else {
return { _tag: "None" };
exports.matchAny = matchAny;
* @description
* it returns a function which test if the first char of the `remained` part of
* the argument of the function is between `l` and `u`, if it's true, update the `MatchedPair` wrapped
* in `Some`. Otherwise, it returns `None`.
* * @param l : lower bound char, 1-char string
* * @param u : upper bound char, 1-char string
* @returns the updated `MatchedPair` wrapped in `Some(x)` or `None`.
function matchRange(l, u) {
let lCodepoint = charToCodepoint(l);
let uCodepoint = charToCodepoint(u);
if (l > u) {
throw new Error("Error: the codepoint of `" + l + "` is not smaller than `" + u + "`)");
return (m) => {
if (m.remained.length < 1) {
return { _tag: "None" };
const charToBeMatched = m.remained[0];
const codePointToBeMatched = charToCodepoint(charToBeMatched);
if (codePointToBeMatched >= lCodepoint && codePointToBeMatched <= uCodepoint) {
return { _tag: "Some", value: {
matched: m.matched + charToBeMatched,
remained: m.remained.substring(1)
} };
else {
return { _tag: "None" };
exports.matchRange = matchRange;
* convert the one-char string to codepoint.
* @param s : the string to code point.
* @returns if `s.length > 1` return error; otherwise, return the codepoint of `s`.
function charToCodepoint(s) {
if (s.length > 1) {
throw new Error("Error: the length of input string for " + s + "is " + s.length + `,
however, it should be 1.`);
else {
return s.charCodeAt(0);
exports.charToCodepoint = charToCodepoint;
* @description thendo(input, f, ...) like
* a ==> f
* @param input: the wrapped input.
* @param f: the function to be applied.
* @returns:the applied wrapped result `MatcheePair`.
function thenDo(input, f) {
if (input._tag == "None") {
return input;
else {
let inner = input.value;
return f(inner);
exports.thenDo = thenDo;
* @description "or", like the regex `( f1 | f2 )` .
* It returns a function `f` of which the argument is`x`.
* if `f1(x)` is None, then `f` returns `f2(x)`. Otherwise,
* `F` returns `f1(x)`.
* @param f1 : 1st function to be compared
* @param f2 : 2nd function to be compared
* @returns:the combined function
function orDo(f1, f2) {
return (x) => {
let f1x = (f1(x));
if (f1x._tag == "None") {
return f2(x);
else {
return f1x;
exports.orDo = orDo;
* @description repeating matching function `f`
* zero or more times, like the asterisk `*` in regex `f*` .
* @param f : the function to be repeated 0+ times.
* @returns:the combined function
function zeroOrMoreDo(f) {
return (x) => {
var wrapped_old_x = { _tag: "Some", value: x };
var wrapped_new_x = wrapped_old_x;
while (wrapped_new_x._tag != "None") {
wrapped_old_x = wrapped_new_x;
wrapped_new_x = thenDo(wrapped_old_x, f);
return wrapped_old_x;
exports.zeroOrMoreDo = zeroOrMoreDo;
* @description Not. like the `^` inside regex of [^f].
* returns a function `F(x)` such that if `f(x)` is `None`,
* returns the x consuming a char; if `f(x)` is not None, F(x)
* returns `None`.
* @param f: the function forbidden to be matched.
* @returns: combined function `F`.
function notDo(f) {
return (x) => {
let wrapped_x = {
_tag: "Some",
value: x
let f_x = thenDo(wrapped_x, f);
if (f_x._tag != "None") {
return { _tag: "None" };
else {
return thenDo(wrapped_x, matchAny);
exports.notDo = notDo;
* if `x` is matched by `f` once, returns `f(x)`. Otherwise,
* returns x
* similar to `?` in regex `f?`.
* @param f : the function to be matched
* @returns return wrapped f(x)
function zeroOrOnceDo(f) {
return (x) => {
var wrapped_old_x = { _tag: "Some", value: x };
var wrapped_new_x = thenDo(wrapped_old_x, f);
if (wrapped_new_x._tag != "None") {
return wrapped_new_x;
else {
return wrapped_old_x;
exports.zeroOrOnceDo = zeroOrOnceDo;
function tokenize(input) {
var input_matchee_pair = toSome({ matched: "",
remained: input });
// integer = ([+]|[-])\d\d?
let integer = (x) => {
let wrapped_x = toSome(x);
let plusMinus = orDo(match1Char('+'), match1Char('-')); // ([+]|[-])
let d = matchRange('0', '9'); // \d
return thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(wrapped_x, zeroOrOnceDo(plusMinus)), d), zeroOrMoreDo(d));
console.log(input + ", result: ");
console.log(thenDo(input_matchee_pair, integer));
exports.tokenize = tokenize;
tokenize(" 123");