2. Download the zip file of all the source code, and extract it. 下載源碼壓縮檔,解壓縮
3. Open a terminal and enter the main folder of the source code, then key in 打開終端機進入原始碼內容根目錄,輸入:
./setup.py install
* p.s. if the depended packages listed above can be installed on Windows, it may be exexuted on Windows (I'm not so sure). 若上列相依套件可被 Windows 安裝,則可於 Windows 執行(不太確定)。
It's recommended to remove it with "pip3". Please use the command after being sure that you have the authority to access the destination folder 建議使用 pip3 移除之,在確認您有存取目的資料夾權限後,請使用該指令: