285 lines
8.5 KiB
285 lines
8.5 KiB
(*假設這段字元 word segment list = wordSegList,SP表達半形空白,HY表達連字號*)
let wordSegList = ["no"; "HY"; "thing"; "SP"; "can"; "SP"; "stop";"SP"; "the"; "SP"; "cro"; "HY"; "co";"HY" ;"dile"; "cross"; "SP"; "it."] ;;
val wordSegList : string list =
["no"; "HY"; "thing"; "SP"; "can"; "SP"; "stop"; "SP"; "the"; "SP"; "cro";
"HY"; "co"; "HY"; "dile"; "cross"; "SP"; "it."]
(*現在轉成每個word segment都附帶長度的格式*)
(* sg: 文段 segment
ow : original width 原來的寬度
hw : hyphenated width 該處指定為斷字後的寬度*)
type segment_with_length = { sg: string; ow: float; hw: float}
type segment_with_length = { sg : string; ow : float; hw : float; }
(* 每個segment之長度*)
let segOwList = List.map (fun x -> match x with
| "SP" -> 1.0 (*SP 通常寬度為1*)
| "HY" -> 0.0 (*HY 連字點寬度為0*)
| _ -> float_of_int (String.length x)) (*以chars的長度來當做文字寬度 假設是等寬半形字元*)
val segOwList : float list =
[2.; 0.; 5.; 1.; 3.; 1.; 4.; 1.; 3.; 1.; 3.; 0.; 2.; 0.; 4.; 5.; 1.; 3.]
(*每個segment在其被斷行時的長度 *)
let segHwList = List.map (fun x -> match x with
| "SP" -> 0.0 (*SP 通常斷行後寬度為0*)
| "HY" -> 1.0 (*HY 連字點斷行後為1*)
| _ -> infinity)(*不可能斷行的地方,寬度設做0*)
val segHwList : float list =
[infinity; 1.; infinity; 0.; infinity; 0.; infinity; 0.; infinity; 0.;
infinity; 1.; infinity; 1.; infinity; infinity; 0.; infinity]
(*3個列表組合 zip 在一起*)
let segListCombined = List.combine (List.combine wordSegList segOwList) segHwList;;
(*然後變成type segment_with_length的列表*)
let segWithLengthList = List.map (fun i -> match i with
| ((sg,ow),hw) -> {sg = sg; ow = ow; hw = hw}) segListCombined
val segListCombined : ((string * float) * float) list =
[(("no", 2.), infinity); (("HY", 0.), 1.); (("thing", 5.), infinity);
(("SP", 1.), 0.); (("can", 3.), infinity); (("SP", 1.), 0.);
(("stop", 4.), infinity); (("SP", 1.), 0.); (("the", 3.), infinity);
(("SP", 1.), 0.); (("cro", 3.), infinity); (("HY", 0.), 1.);
(("co", 2.), infinity); (("HY", 0.), 1.); (("dile", 4.), infinity);
(("cross", 5.), infinity); (("SP", 1.), 0.); (("it.", 3.), infinity)]
val segWithLengthList : segment_with_length list =
[{sg = "no"; ow = 2.; hw = infinity}; {sg = "HY"; ow = 0.; hw = 1.};
{sg = "thing"; ow = 5.; hw = infinity}; {sg = "SP"; ow = 1.; hw = 0.};
{sg = "can"; ow = 3.; hw = infinity}; {sg = "SP"; ow = 1.; hw = 0.};
{sg = "stop"; ow = 4.; hw = infinity}; {sg = "SP"; ow = 1.; hw = 0.};
{sg = "the"; ow = 3.; hw = infinity}; {sg = "SP"; ow = 1.; hw = 0.};
{sg = "cro"; ow = 3.; hw = infinity}; {sg = "HY"; ow = 0.; hw = 1.};
{sg = "co"; ow = 2.; hw = infinity}; {sg = "HY"; ow = 0.; hw = 1.};
{sg = "dile"; ow = 4.; hw = infinity};
{sg = "cross"; ow = 5.; hw = infinity}; {sg = "SP"; ow = 1.; hw = 0.};
{sg = "it."; ow = 3.; hw = infinity}]
我們可以定義在第 n 處斷行=>除了斷行點以外的文字消失,的成本函數 cost(n),成本函數越小越好。
badness (k, n)是指k~n-1處若塞於一行,且n處斷行時的懲罰函數(等下介紹),越小越好
cost(n) = baness(0,n) 若其為有限,否則 min of k in 0...n-1 of badness(k, n) + cost(k)
懲罰函數badness定義是:若lineWidth >= widthBetween(a,b),則為二者之差的三次方,否則是無限大。
k >= n
badness(k, n) = (lineWidth - widthBetween(k, n) )^3 if lineWidth >= widthBetween(k+1, n)
infinity elsewhere
widthBetween(a,b)係指 a到b 塞在一行時的寬度
widthBetween(a,b) = hw[b] + (sum{i=a...b-1} of ow[i]
open Printf
let lineWidth = 12.0;; (*一行最大寬度*)
let widthBetween a b = if a> b then raise (Failure "Exception: widthBetween a b, a <=b ")
else (List.nth segWithLengthList b).hw +. (sumOfOw a (b-1) segWithLengthList);;
let badness k n = let remainedSpaceWidth = lineWidth -. (widthBetween k n) in
if remainedSpaceWidth >= 0. then
remainedSpaceWidth ** 3.
else infinity;;
let minIndex = ref 0;; (*cost(x)發生的最小的k)值*)
(*動態規劃存放 (min cost, 其中的 k 滿足 min cost) 之處*)
(*格式: n (minValue, minIndex) *)
let costKStorage = Hashtbl.create 10;;
let rec cost n =
if Hashtbl.mem costKStorage n then (*若是已經存儲了,即用裡面的值,避免重複運算*)
let (minValue, minIndex) = Hashtbl.find costKStorage n in
else if (badness 0 n) < infinity then (badness 0 n)
let compareList = List.init n (fun k -> (badness k n) +. cost k) in
let findMin lst = List.fold_left min infinity lst in
let minValue = findMin compareList in (*最小值*)
let findMinIndex lst = List.fold_left
(fun pos i -> if (List.nth lst i) == minValue then i else pos)
(List.init (List.length lst) (fun x -> x)) in
let minIndex = findMinIndex compareList in
let _ = Hashtbl.add costKStorage n (minValue, minIndex) in
val lineWidth : float = 12.
val widthBetween : int -> int -> float = <fun>
val badness : int -> int -> float = <fun>
val minIndex : int ref = {contents = 0}
val costKStorage : ('_weak11, '_weak12) Hashtbl.t = <abstr>
val cost : int -> float = <fun>
(*sumOfOw : 上文的(sum{i=a...b} of ow[i]*)
(* sumOfOwAux:輔助函數*)
let rec sumOfOwAux i start final sum list =
if i < start then sumOfOwAux (i+1) start final sum list
else if (i>= start && i <= final) then sumOfOwAux (i+1) start final (sum +. (List.nth list i).ow) list
else sum ;;
let sumOfOw start final list = sumOfOwAux 0 start final 0.0 list;;
val sumOfOwAux :
int -> int -> int -> float -> segment_with_length list -> float = <fun>
val sumOfOw : int -> int -> segment_with_length list -> float = <fun>
no thing
can stop
cost 11;;
- : float = 179.
(*找 costKStorage 目前的值*)
let a = ref "" in
let _ = (Hashtbl.iter (fun x y -> let (y1,y2) = y in a := !a ^ (sprintf "%d : %f %d\n" x y1 y2)) costKStorage) in !a;;
- : string =
"6 : inf -1\n2 : inf -1\n8 : inf -1\n7 : 152.000000 3\n13 : 153.000000 7\n12 : inf -1\n4 : inf -1\n9 : 28.000000 5\n11 : 179.000000 7\n0 : inf -1\n10 : inf -1\n"
let rec findBreakPointAux res k =
if Hashtbl.mem costKStorage k then
let (minValue, minIndex) = Hashtbl.find costKStorage k in
findBreakPointAux (List.append res [k]) minIndex
else (List.append res [k]);;
let findBreakPoint n = findBreakPointAux [] n;;
val findBreakPointAux : int list -> int -> int list = <fun>
val findBreakPoint : int -> int list = <fun>
findBreakPoint 13;;
findBreakPoint <-- 13
findBreakPointAux <-- []
findBreakPointAux --> <fun>
findBreakPointAux* <-- 13
Hashtbl.find <-- <abstr>
Hashtbl.find --> <fun>
Hashtbl.find* <-- <poly>
Hashtbl.find* --> <poly>
findBreakPointAux <-- [13]
findBreakPointAux --> <fun>
findBreakPointAux* <-- 7
Hashtbl.find <-- <abstr>
Hashtbl.find --> <fun>
Hashtbl.find* <-- <poly>
Hashtbl.find* --> <poly>
findBreakPointAux <-- [13; 7]
findBreakPointAux --> <fun>
findBreakPointAux* <-- 3
findBreakPointAux* --> [13; 7; 3]
findBreakPointAux* --> [13; 7; 3]
findBreakPointAux* --> [13; 7; 3]
findBreakPoint --> [13; 7; 3]
- : int list = [13; 7; 3]