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2023-08-06 22:44:56 +08:00
Under MIT License
(c) 2023 Tan, Kian-ting
Tiananmen MassacreFree Tibet 占领中环民主真普选
南方街头运动新公民运动东突厥斯坦湖南共和国上访 大纪元胡耀邦
赵紫阳Tank Man北京之春达赖喇嘛六四真相无界下载通商宽衣
Free Hong Kong天安门屠杀中国言论钳制中共文字狱
2023-08-06 22:42:00 +08:00
(*我們先假設 P (i,j),意思是當裡面有 i 行文j 張圖的時候,存放的分頁資訊,其型別為 Pagination*)
type pagination = {mutable isPagizable : bool; mutable noOfPages : int; mutable predecessor : int * int};;
let t = 300;; (* 行數 *)
let f = 25;; (* 圖數 *)
let maxHeight = 27.0;;
let minHeight = 20.0;;
(*行屬性height 高度spaceHeight 其後空白高度isPagizable 其後空白是否可分頁*)
type line = {height : float; spaceHeight : float; mutable isPagizable : bool};;
let tArray = Array.make (t+1) {height = 0.8; spaceHeight = 0.7; isPagizable = true};;
let fArray = Array.make (f+1) {height = 12.0; spaceHeight = 1.1; isPagizable = true};;
(*tArray與fArray 第0行是空行*)
let _ = tArray.(0) <- {height = 0.0; spaceHeight = 0.0; isPagizable = false} in
let _ = fArray.(0) <- {height = 0.0; spaceHeight = 0.0; isPagizable = false} in
for i = 1 to t do
if i / 9 == 3 then
let _ = tArray.(i).isPagizable <- false in ()
(*連 p 0 0 都要加進去所以需要輸入 t+1 和 f+1 的矩陣*)
let p = Array.init (t+1) (fun x -> (Array.init (f+1) (fun x -> {isPagizable = false; noOfPages = -1; predecessor=(-1,-1)})) );;
let nil = -1;; (*condition value*)
(* 圖片 k 對到哪一個文字*)
let referId k =
if k <= 1 then 1
else if k <= 3 then 9
else if k <= 6 then 40
else if k==7 then 42
else if k <= 10 then 70
else if k == 11 then 80
else if k <= 15 then 112
else if k == 16 then 120
else if k == 17 then 130
else if k <= 22 then 179
else 180
let makeOnePage (p : pagination array array) a b i j =
if a == i && b == j then false
else if p.(a).(b).isPagizable == false then false
else if (referId j) > i || (referId j) == 0 then false
let textAndSpaceHeight =
if a == i then 0.0
let textHeight = Array.fold_right (+.) ( (fun x -> x.height) (Array.sub tArray (a+1) (i-a))) 0.0 in
let textSpaceHeight = Array.fold_right (+.) ( (fun x -> x.spaceHeight) (Array.sub tArray (a+1) (i-a-1))) 0.0 in
textHeight +. textSpaceHeight in
let figAndSpaceHeight =
if b == j then 0.0
let figHeight = Array.fold_right (+.) ( (fun x -> x.height) (Array.sub fArray (b+1) (j-b))) 0.0 in
let figSpaceHeight = Array.fold_right (+.) ( (fun x -> x.spaceHeight) (Array.sub fArray (b+1) (j-b-1))) 0.0 in
figHeight +. figSpaceHeight in
let inputHeight = textAndSpaceHeight +. figAndSpaceHeight in
if inputHeight > maxHeight then false
else if inputHeight < minHeight then false
else true;;
2023-08-21 00:34:16 +08:00
let tracePageLs p i j pred =
let tracePage = ref [(i, j)] in
let movablePred = ref pred in
2023-08-06 22:42:00 +08:00
2023-08-21 00:34:16 +08:00
let _ =
while not (!movablePred = (-1, -1)) do
let _ = tracePage := !movablePred :: !tracePage in
let (x, y) = !movablePred in
movablePred := p.(x).(y).predecessor
in (!tracePage);;
2023-08-06 22:42:00 +08:00
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let tracePageLen tracePageList = (List.length tracePageList) -1 ;;
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let tracePageLsStringfied tracePageList = List.fold_right (fun x y -> x ^", "^ y)
( (fun x -> let (t, f) = x in
Printf.sprintf "(%d, %d)" t f) tracePageList) "";;
2023-08-06 22:42:00 +08:00
2023-08-21 00:34:16 +08:00
let pageNoOfFigs tracePageList =
let tracePageListFigPart = (fun x -> let (t, f) = x in f) tracePageList in
let result = ref [] in
let _ = for i = 1 to (List.length tracePageListFigPart) - 1 do
let diff = (List.nth tracePageListFigPart i)- (List.nth tracePageListFigPart (i-1)) in
result := List.append !result (List.init diff (fun x -> i))
done in
!result ;;
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let rec lineNoToPageAux lineNo tracePageListLinePart res =
if tracePageListLinePart == [] then 0
else if List.hd tracePageListLinePart > lineNo then res
else lineNoToPageAux lineNo ( tracePageListLinePart) (res + 1);;
2023-08-06 22:42:00 +08:00
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let lineNoToPage lineNo tracePageLs = lineNoToPageAux lineNo tracePageLs 0;;
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let figsToReferPage maxFigNo tracePageLs =
let figArray = (List.init (maxFigNo +1) (fun d -> d)) in
let referArray = (fun x -> referId x) figArray in
let tracePageListLinePart = (fun x -> let (t, f) = x in t) tracePageLs in
let pageOfRefers = (fun x -> lineNoToPage x tracePageListLinePart) referArray in
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2023-08-06 22:42:00 +08:00
2023-08-21 00:34:16 +08:00
let diffSumOfRefererAndFig tracePageList f =
let pageNoOfFigsList = pageNoOfFigs tracePageList in
let pageNoOfRefersList = figsToReferPage f tracePageList in
let combined = List.combine pageNoOfFigsList pageNoOfRefersList in
let diffOfCombined = (fun x -> let (y,z) = x in y - z) combined in
let diffSum = List.fold_right (+) diffOfCombined 0 in
let totalCost p t f =
let tracePageExample = tracePageLs p t f p.(t).(f).predecessor in
let diffSum = diffSumOfRefererAndFig tracePageExample f in
let pageLen = tracePageLen tracePageExample in
let costFunction pageLen diffSum =
(let a = 1 in (*weight factor a for pageLen*)
let b = 1 in (*weight factor b for diffSum*)
let totalCost = a * pageLen + b * diffSum in
totalCost) in
let totalCost = costFunction pageLen diffSum in
let chooseBetterPred p oldAB newAB =
let (oldA, oldB) = oldAB in
let (newA, newB) = newAB in
if oldA == -1 && oldB == -1 then newAB
let costOld = totalCost p oldA oldB in
let costNew = totalCost p newA newB in
if costNew < costOld then newAB
else oldAB;;
let pagize p =
let _ = p.(0).(0) <- {isPagizable = true; noOfPages = 0; predecessor = (nil , nil)} in
for i=0 to t do
for j=0 to f do
for a = 0 to i do
for b = 0 to j do
if i != 0 || j != 0 then
let canMakeOnePage = makeOnePage p a b i j in
if canMakeOnePage then
let (oldA, oldB) = p.(i).(j).predecessor in
let (preferedA, preferedB) = chooseBetterPred p (oldA, oldB) (a,b) in
let _ = p.(i).(j).isPagizable <- true in
let _ = p.(i).(j).predecessor <- (preferedA, preferedB) in
let _ = p.(i).(j).noOfPages <- p.(i).(j).noOfPages + 1 in
pagize p;;
let x = tracePageLs p 300 25 p.(300).(25).predecessor;;
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2023-08-21 00:34:16 +08:00
print_string (tracePageLsStringfied x);;