import functools import MeCab import sys import re # 形態素解析する関数 # Function for morphological analysis. # 形态学分析功能 def parse(sentence): mecab_tagger = MeCab.Tagger() raw_result = mecab_tagger.parse(sentence).split('\n') result = [] for i in raw_result[:-2]: j = i.split('\t') item = dict() item['form'] = j[0] # 食べ #print(j) if len(j) > 1: item['lemma'] = j[3] # 食べる item['pos'] = j[4] # 動詞-一般 item['features'] = j[6] # 連用形-一般 else: item['lemma'] = j[0] item["pos"] = "" item["features"] = "" result.append(item) return result def is_hira(string): if isinstance(string, str): string = list(string) if len(string) == 0: return False elif len(string) == 1: return (("ぁ" <= string[0]) and (string[0] <= "ん")) if len(string) > 1: return functools.reduce((lambda x, y: (is_hira(x) and is_hira(y))) , string) def contain_kanji(str): if len(str) == 0: return False elif len(str) == 1: return re.match(r"[一-龯]", str) if len(str) > 1: return functools.reduce(lambda x, y: contain_kanji(x) or contain_kanji(y) , str) # ひらがなを削除する関数 # Function to delete hiragana. # 删除平假名的功能 def hira_to_blank(str): return "".join(["" if ("ぁ" <= ch <= "ん") else ch for ch in str]) if __name__ == "__main__": document = "私は明日、伊豆大島に行きたい" args = sys.argv if len(args) >= 2: document = str(args[1]) parse_document = parse(document) #print(parse_document) result_list = list() for i, token in enumerate(parse_document): # 形態素解析結果に置き換えルールを適用する if (token["pos"] != "助詞-格助詞" and token["pos"] != "助詞-接続助詞" and token["pos"] != "助詞-終助詞" and token["pos"] != "助詞-接続助詞" ): if '終止形-一般' in token["features"]: if ("為る" in token["lemma"]) or ("ます" in token["lemma"]): prime = "" # don't translate it. elif "たい" in token["lemma"]: prime = "欲" elif token["lemma"] in ["ない", "無い"]: prime = "無" elif token['lemma'] == 'た': prime = "了" else: print(is_hira(token['lemma'])) if is_hira(token['lemma']): prime = token["form"] else: prime = token["lemma"] else: if is_hira(token["lemma"]) and contain_kanji(token["form"]): prime=token["form"] else: prime = token["lemma"] if (token['lemma'] == '君' or token['lemma'] == '貴方' or token['lemma'] == 'お前'): prime = '你' if token['lemma'] == '為る' and parse_document[i-1]['pos'] == '名詞-普通名詞-サ変可能': prime = '' compound_matched = re.match("([^-]+)-([^-]+)", token['lemma']) if compound_matched: prime = if token['lemma'] == '私-代名詞': prime = '我' if len(token["features"]) != 0: if "連体形-一般" in token['features']: if token['lemma'] == 'ない': prime = "無之" else: prime = prime + "之" result_list.append(hira_to_blank(prime)) if token['lemma'] == 'の' and token['pos'] == "助詞-格助詞": prime = "之" result_list.append(hira_to_blank(prime)) if token["form"] == "か" and token['pos'] == '助詞-終助詞': prime = "乎" result_list.append(hira_to_blank(prime)) print(''.join(result_list))