(lang dune 3.9) (cram enable) (name stringCodepointSplitter) (version 0.0.2) (generate_opam_files true) (source (github yoxem/stringCodepointSplitter)) (authors "Tan Kian-ting ") (maintainers "Tan Kian-ting ") (bug_reports https://github.com/Yoxem/stringCodepointSplitter/issues) (license MIT) ;(documentation https://github.com/Yoxem/stringCodepointSplitter/) (package (name stringCodepointSplitter) (synopsis "Split a string to a list of strings of a character by the unicode codepoint") (description "Split a string to a list of strings of a character by the unicode codepoint. It requires module Uutf.") (depends (ocaml (>= 4.06)) ocamlfind dune uutf) (tags (string utf8))) ; See the complete stanza docs at https://dune.readthedocs.io/en/stable/dune-files.html#dune-project