add pass uniquify_var and interp_var
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 65 additions and 11 deletions
@ -7,22 +7,33 @@ let rec ast_to_string ast = match ast with
| Ast.Node ls -> "[" ^ String.concat " " ( ast_to_string ls) ^ "]"
(** interpreter for interp_int*)
class interp_int x_init =
(**environment for the interpreter*)
class environment =
object (self)
val mutable x = x_init
method interp code = match code with
val mutable tbl : (string, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
method add_val key data = Hashtbl.add tbl key data
method get_val key = Hashtbl.find tbl key
method get_tbl = tbl
(** interpreter for interp_int*)
class interp_int =
object (self)
method interp (env : environment) code = match code with
| Ast.Int x -> x
| Ast.Node [Ast.Leaf "+"; lhs; rhs] ->
let x1 = self#interp lhs in
let x2 = self#interp rhs in
let x1 = self#interp env lhs in
let x2 = self#interp env rhs in
| Ast.Node [Ast.Leaf "-"; lhs; rhs] ->
let x1 = self#interp lhs in
let x2 = self#interp rhs in
let x1 = self#interp env lhs in
let x2 = self#interp env rhs in
| Ast.Node [Ast.Leaf "-"; x] ->
let x1 = self#interp x in
let x1 = self#interp env x in
| Ast.Node [Ast.Leaf "%apply" ; Ast.Leaf "read"; Ast.Int 0] ->
let input = read_int_opt () in
@ -32,6 +43,45 @@ class interp_int x_init =
| _ -> raise (Exc "unsupported")
(** interpreter for interp_var*)
class interp_var =
object (self)
inherit interp_int as super
method interp (env : environment) code = match code with
| Ast.Leaf var -> env#get_val var
| Ast.Node [Ast.Leaf "%let"; Ast.Node[typ; Ast.Leaf var; data]; body] ->
let new_val = self#interp env data in
let _ = env#add_val var new_val in
self#interp env body
| _ -> super#interp env code
let prime_op = ["+"; "-"];;
(** PASS1 : uniquify the variable*)
let rec uniquify_var_pass ast (tbl : (string, int) Hashtbl.t) = match ast with
| Ast.Int x -> ast
| Ast.Leaf var -> Ast.Leaf (var ^ "." ^ (string_of_int(Hashtbl.find tbl var)))
| Ast.Node [Ast.Leaf "-" ; x] -> Ast.Node [Ast.Leaf "-"; uniquify_var_pass x tbl]
| Ast.Node [Ast.Leaf "%let"; Ast.Node[typ; Ast.Leaf var; data]; body] ->
let _ = if not(Hashtbl.mem tbl var) then
(Hashtbl.add tbl var 0) else
Hashtbl.replace tbl var ((Hashtbl.find tbl var)+1) in
let new_var = Ast.Leaf (var ^ "." ^(string_of_int(Hashtbl.find tbl var))) in
let rhs = uniquify_var_pass data tbl in
Ast.Node [Ast.Leaf "%let"; Ast.Node[typ; new_var; rhs];
uniquify_var_pass body tbl]
| Ast.Node [Ast.Leaf op ; lhs; rhs] -> if List.mem op prime_op then
Ast.Node [Ast.Leaf op ;
uniquify_var_pass lhs tbl;
uniquify_var_pass rhs tbl] else
Ast.Node [uniquify_var_pass (Ast.Leaf op) tbl;
uniquify_var_pass lhs tbl;
uniquify_var_pass rhs tbl]
| _ -> ast
@ -39,10 +89,14 @@ class interp_int x_init =
let _ =
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in
let interp = new interp_int 0 in
let env = new environment in
let interp = new interp_var in
while true do
let hasht = (Hashtbl.create 10) in
let result = Parser.main Lexer.token lexbuf in
Printf.printf "%d" (interp#interp result); print_newline(); flush stdout
let result2 = uniquify_var_pass result hasht in
Printf.printf "%s\n" (ast_to_string result2);
Printf.printf "%d" (interp#interp env result2); print_newline(); flush stdout
with Lexer.Eof ->
exit 0
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